History of Peru | The Underlying Mysteries of Ancient Peru

A collage of the mysteries in the history of Peru. Get your brain working and your adrenaline rushing by exploring and discovering the mysteries of the history of Peru.

The history of Peru is as rich as the land itself. But what is even more exciting about this Latin American country is the underlying mysteries of its history, which even to this day haven’t been demystified yet. so if you are in for mysteries and ancient civilization, Peru could be the perfect place to explore.

Peru was home to many ancient cultures long before the Incas started inhabiting its land. With this, it has become the destination of many curious minds from around the globe. These mysteries have been told through Peruvian legends but until today, much of the baffling secrets and riddles of Peruvian culture remain unsolved. To get your curiosity kicking, here is a travel guide to Peru’s mysterious side:

  • Machu Picchu

    The breathtaking Machu Picchu is considered to be a gem of Peruvian tourism. This astonishing and iconic archeological site was voted as one of the Seven Wonders of the World in 2017. It is no secret that this site is known to be the Lost City of Peru and is believed to be the home of Inca civilization. However, what the mystery about this wonderful historical mark lies (or in this case, stands) in its walls.

    Although the Incas were known to build amazing walls, the knowledge of how these walls were built still remains an enigma to modern society. If you see closely, the walls that stand in this site is an architectural wonder. It would have been impossible for the Incas to have these stones fit together perfectly that not even a piece of paper could pass through. Not even modern engineers could rebuild something similar to these walls.

    The secrets hidden in Machu Picchu do not end nor begin in its walls. No one knows exactly why and how it was built and that is one of the greatest mysteries of ancient Peru.

  • Nazca Lines

    Who would have thought that 200 miles south of Lima, Peru, mysterious lines can be found on a plain? These are etched lines that run perfectly straight --- some are parallel and some are intersecting. They seem to be just plain lines, but when you look at it from above, you will notice how these lines form figures of what is believed to be figurative designs of animals and plants. There are a total of 800 lines where 300 of them are figures and 70 of these are animal and plant designs.

    These geoglyphs have drawn the attention of famous scientists, archeologists, authors, and skeptics. One of them was Erich von Däniken, a Swiss author, who believes that these ancient geoglyphs were made by “ancient astronauts” to communicate. Some believe that these lines were made as an observatory and other theories suggest that they are for irrigation purposes. Whatever the reason, these lines have been an interesting part of Peru culture.

  • Mystery of Sacsayhuamán Temple

    In the Sacsayhuamán Temple of Peru lies a mystery that could change the way we understand the history of mankind. This temple offers an enigmatic inscription that could hold evidence that ancient people have already crossed the ocean thousands of years ago and have left a trace of their civilazation.

    Around 1960, a Pokatia monlith was discovered 2 kilometers away from the city of stones, Tiahuanaco. This monolith is not very high measuring only 170 centimeters. This small single upright block of stone is mysteriously formed in the image of a man. What is more intriguing about it is that it has inscriptions all over that dates back 300, 000 years ago. It has been confirmed that the writings are of proto-Sumerian origins. This could mean that the Sumerian civilization was able to travel accross the ocean and that this could possibly change the history as we know it today.

  • Mysterious Chachapoyas Culture

    Another mystery that is in the history of Peru are the Cloud People or the Chachapoyas. This lost ancient civilization were the original inhabitants of the cloud forests of northern Peru. Their territory was so large that it could easily be called kingdom. However, no record of this civilazation has been known to present. Their culture and tradition have remained a mystery to modern-day society. Only pieces of evidence of extraordinary architectural and cultural wonders are left behind to prove the existence of these ancient fierce warriors.

    Written information about this ancient civilazation’s may be found but are only from second or third-hand. Even these written pieces of information still remain to be clouded with mystery.

The mysteries that cover the ancient history of Peru is such an exciting and interesting thing to explore. It will not only give us a wonder to behold but also thoughts to ponder upon.

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