How to Maintain a Long-Term Relationship

Relationships require patience and effort, but even with those two things, however, and for whatever reason, they tend to fall apart, and people you once held dear become strangers or, worse, enemies in the blink of an eye.

Despite all the painful broken relationships in history, from kings to politicians, rich men to paupers, loving someone is always worth a try.

Old Couple

And because romance is like an escaping lamb trembling away from the shepherd’s cane, you need to find ways to catch it. Return it to its rightful herd. You should make sure that it has the right reasons to stay, and it means staying happily and wholeheartedly.

To nurture your long-term relationship and fill up the love jar every day, these tips could be useful:

Empty yourself every day

Take your relationship to a higher level of understanding. You must make sure that you empty yourself from hatred, jealousy, and greed. These traits ruin a beautiful relationship.

Instead of filling yourself in with negative traits, allow yourself to unlearn these bad behaviors to serve the relationship truly and for the better. You need to make your partner feel that you are not full of yourself and you are willing to receive their kindness, affection, and most of all, love.

Explore new places

Traveling is fun especially if you’re traveling with your dearest one. You don’t have to spend large amounts of cash nor cross oceans or ride planes to enjoy yourselves. You can express your love for your partner simply by taking them to the newly-opened restaurant in town or a boutique in your local store you both haven’t explored yet.

New places don’t necessarily have to be far. Distance often tricks you to believe that greatness lies in a land far away, but the greatest places are always near. You just have to look at them in a new light each day.

Forgiveness must be endless

To err is human, to forgive divine. The ancient adage will always be relevant, especially in relationships. You need to have a bottomless juice of forgiveness for your partner. No one is perfect and your relationship is composed of two imperfect people.

Don’t be too hard on each other, especially when you make mistakes. Forgiveness is an acknowledgment of the natural human frailty and an indication of your courage to be the bigger person.

Always remember you love each other.

Your love for each other must be your driving force in maintaining a healthy and serious relationship. Don’t waste your time chasing pretty faces when you already have the prettiest.

Make it a daily reminder to tell your partner how much you love them during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. To add a stroke of sweetness, you can also ring them up on snack time in between.

Maintaining a long-term relationship requires you to transcend beyond your limitations, your anger, your selfishness, and your fear of what ifs. Emptying your bad traits, exploring new sights, forgiving mistakes, and reminding how much you love each other every second are the key panels of building a home that even death is reluctant to demolish.

This story was originally published on Medium: How to Maintain a Long-Term Relationship

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